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The first time I was on a round about, I loved it! I probably drove around it a little too fast, but that was the joy of the roundabout. There is a two lane roundabout near my home that is a different story. How to you determine what lane to use? My navigation system tells me which exit to use when I enter the roundabout, but it doesn’t do a good job telling me what lane to be in. Then there is the person that feels they should take up both lanes so that the car behind them does not pass them. One circle can be hard enough to navigate, but what would you do if you came across a 7 circle roundabout? How would you navigate? You need help.
Coming across a 7 circle roundabout could send most drivers into a panic. As a leader, we have an obligation to help people navigate complexities. To turn what is complex into a simple, easy to understand formula. Here are 12 Ways the amazing people at Vivid Image help our clients navigate the complexities of online marketing.
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